Mondous Property Australia
Creative Direction and Photography
But with increased competition in the Greater Ballarat region, there was a need to create a unique and visually compelling campaign that would cut through the noise. Working with Plan B Marketing an identity and visual language was developed that played to the heritage of the area and the materiality of the name Alluvium, by using it as a metaphor for growth and opportunity.
Winter Valley, sitting on the southern rural fringe of Ballarat, is a young, establishing suburb that like most new land projects — is not that easy on the eye due to the ever-present earthmoving trucks and road grading equipment. As an alternative, we decided to capture a range of iconic location and lifestyle imagery from in and around the Ballarat CBD, which also provided visual cues to the central theme of our campaign, ‘A Golden History — A Bright Future’.
The brand identity, including photography and other visual language elements has so far been rolled out across all current site and pop-up display signage, custom website, press and digital advertising and various pieces of printed collateral. A larger, more permanent sales and display suite is anticipated to open in the coming months.